Buying in Bulk - FAQs

How can I place an order?

When you’re ready to place an order, all you have to do is reach out & let us know. Email, call, text, or send us a message on facebook to tell us what you’re interested in purchasing. We’ll reply quickly to confirm your order & work out the details.

What’s the difference between live, hanging, & cut weights?

Different producers base their price on different weights. Since live, hanging, & cut weights vary significantly, this leads to drastically different prices per pound which can be one of the most confusing parts of buying in bulk.

Live weight = this is the weight of the live animal, prior to processing.

Hanging weight = this is the weight of the animal after the processor has removed any parts that are inedible, such as the hide, the head, the feet, & any non-usable organs. Hanging weight is typically around 60% of the live weight.

Cut weight = this is the weight of the packaged meat that you bring home & put in your freezer. Cut weight is generally 60-65% of the hanging weight.

At Renewed Pastures Farm, we price our meat based on the cut weight – that’s the weight of the packages that you bring home.

How much will I save by buying in bulk?

You can expect to save more than $300 when buying a quarter beef & more than $400 when buying a half beef. You’ll save the most money (more than $500!) if you purchase a whole beef. Think a bulk purchase is too much meat for you? Find a friend or family member to split with & you can both save!

How much freezer space will I need?

A general rule of thumb is that you will need approximately one cubic foot of freezer space for every 30 pounds of packaged meat that you need to store. A quarter beef will easily fit into a 5 cubic foot chest freezer. A half beef needs 7 cubic feet and you should plan for at least 16 cubic feet of freezer space for a whole beef.

How many pounds of meat can I expect to get in my bulk buy?

While exact weights will vary depending on the size of each animal processed, a whole beef from Renewed Pastures Farm typically results in approximately 400 lbs of packaged meat. You can estimate that a half and a quarter beef would run approximately 200 lbs & 100 lbs, respectively.

Can I request specific cuts?

If you buy a whole or half beef, you always have the option to choose how your beef is cut & processed. We are always available to walk you through the cut sheet & offer explanations for different cuts or offer our recommendations for what you might like.

When buying a quarter beef, we do standardize some of the cuts in an effort to ensure that both customers sharing a side get to experience the variety of cuts. However, if you’re interested in a particular cut that isn’t included in our standard quarter cut sheet, please reach out to us. We’ll work with you to see if we can accommodate your wishes.

 Have more questions?? Reach out to us anytime by email, phone, or Facebook, or stop by our tent at the Spotsylvania Farmers’ Markets. We love to talk about our beef and are here to help!